Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Waffle Wonderland, Version 3

It begins, again. For the third time. That you know about, anyway.

I started off with Waffle Wonderland on Diaryland in 2000, then
moved on to Waffle Wonderland on Livejournal at some point, and now I'm finally here on Blogger.

I guess I move around because my needs change. In 2000, there were no blogs. You had a online diary, or webjournal, and a blog was something else entirely. Or rather, a weblog. A weblog was more like updates about a link. So I might want to link to a cool site I found, I'd write a weblog entry for it. Now there's digg and del.icio.us and a plethora of other sites for that kind of thing. Now blogs are original content about a topic, lifestyle, or theme, or about one's personal life, or news about some organization, etc. Blogs are like diaries or journals now.

So, to distinguish myself as an online diarist or webjournaler, I felt that my updates should be on separate pages, separate distinct webpages with distinct entries on each one. I guess I still kind of do. I hate blogs because they're hard to read. I like to be able to read from front to back, sequentially. Usually, I do not follow a blog, I find a new blog, start at the beginning, read to the end, and then never come back. Or come back very rarely. So I hate the blog format of putting the latest entry first. If it's a news or timely blog, sure, that works best, but otherwise, it's annoying.

So I used Diaryland because it stores each entry on a separate page by itself, rather than in a long blog roll. Plus I liked that it let you completely customize the HTML and CSS of each page. But it didn't have comments. It didn't have privacy controls, to allow private, protected, and public access by entry. Plus, there was the Livejournal community, and there's less of a Diaryland one. People on LJ didn't want to have to go to a separate site to check my entries. So I moved to Livejournal.

I was at Livejournal for a few years. But I think the whole community thing got to be too much for me. I just wanna write stuff. And there are a few features I don't like, a few things that were harder to use--it's still a pain in the neck to customize your HTML, for example. Though I probably won't bother with that now.

Anyway, so I just wanted a fresh start. I guess it's my nomadic nature; growing up, we moved around all the time; I was in a different school almost every year. I guess I get restless if I'm in one place for too long.

Let's hope this one works out.